billing machine

the better way to manage your business

Trucount is the MicromationPvt. Limited company which is into the field of manufacturing and supplying computerized electronic cash registers and other electronic devices for retail businessedacross India. It is established in 1986 and since then this company have done so much development and worked to bring ease into the working of many businesses. Until now they have successfully installed more that 60,000 systems across the country. It is not wrong to say that today it is best and leading company. It actually plays a major role in the retail automation industry and acknowledged as the best in this field.

They are into making the systems such as electronic cash registers, Point of sale system, Biometric attendance systems, money counter, weighing equipment, billing machines etc. The machines made by them are tailored according to the Indian market needed and thus those are quite easy to use and affordable as well. Machines installation is easy and no special training is required. The company has shown really good growth until now and do have the team of 40+ employees working across the country.

Trucount do have the strong technical knowledge of the products and manufacture the best products which brings the ease in the retail business.

X Pro
X Pro

X-PRO Android POS (2GB/16GB and 4GB/32GB) with availability of Trucount X-PRO Offline Software as well Online Billing Software with a central dashboard.
